Jesuit Online Bibliography

La costruzione del discorso della soppressione nella "Russia gesuitica"

Book Title:
La Compagnie de Jésus des Anciens Régimes au monde contemporain (XVIII-XX siècles)
Book Editor:
Book Chapter
Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu
Ecole Française de Rome
Place published:

With the incorporation of White Russia into the Russian empire, following the first partition of Poland in 1772, a small part of the Society of Jesus came to exist within the Orthodox empire of Catherine II the Great: in total, 201 Jesuits in eighteen residences. When pope Clement XIV canonically suppressed the Society of Jesus in 1773 with the brief, Dominus ac Redemptor, the czarina forbade the promulgation of the papal decree in her realm. As a result, the Society of Jesus remained legitimally in existence within the Russian Empire. The legitimacy of this survival derived principally from the non-promulgation of the brief of suppression, but not only: it found support from a series of affirmative papal acts which first tolerated, then approved and finally approved officially and solemnly this survival, with Pius VII’s 1801 brief, Catholicae fidei. In 1814, the same pope restored the Society of Jesus in the entire world (bull, Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum). This act of restoring the Society founded by St. Ignatius was the result of determined action on the part of the "Russian" Jesuits themselves who had Father Gabriel Gruber at their head. Six years after the general restoration, the czar Alexander I signed the decree expelling the Jesuits from his empire. 

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